This Sunday’s Bible account comes from Mark 12:41-44 and Luke 21:1-4, and it focuses on the widow’s gift. While Jesus was in Jerusalem in the days leading up to the Passover, He often taught in the temple complex. The scribes and Pharisees questioned Jesus in hopes of tricking Him into saying something that would provoke the Romans against Him (Luke 20:20) or would make Him seem like a blasphemer. But all their questions simply proved that Jesus, the Son of God, had a wisdom and authority that could only come from God. (Matthew 22:46; Mark 12:34)
warning the people against the scribes, Jesus sat down where He could watch
people give their offerings. The treasury of the temple was located in the
women’s court. Thirteen trumpet-shaped receptacles were set up to receive
donations, purification offerings, and the half-shekel tax. Jesus watched as
the wealthy put large sums of money in the offering boxes. Then a poor widow
put in two small copper coins.
summoned His disciples and remarked, “I assure you: This poor widow has put in
more than all those giving to the temple treasury” (Mark 12:43). Undoubtedly
the disciples were astonished. The widow had given the smallest amount of
currency in Jesus’ time. Hadn’t Jesus noticed all the others giving more?
The widow
was desperately poor. Jesus mentioned that she had given everything she had to
live on. The woman, who should have been a recipient of charity, instead gave
to God, trusting Him to take care of her needs. The wealthy people, however,
had given out of their surplus. They gave a lot of money, but it did not really
“cost” them much.
Jesus gave
up everything He had in heaven to come to earth and save us from our sins.
Jesus even gave up His own life, dying on the cross in our place. When
Christians know and love Jesus, we can serve Him as the Lord of our lives. Out
of love for Jesus, we offer everything we have. God takes care of His children
and rewards those who seek Him. (Matthew 6:31-33; Mark 10:29-31; Hebrews 11:6)
the conversation with the following activity:
Ask each
family member to go get the best gift he or she has been given recently. Guide
each family member to show and tell about the gift, explaining why it is the
favorite. Remind kids that everything we have is a gift from God. Read Mark
12:41-44. Discuss ways you can serve Jesus with what you have, no matter how
much or little.