Thursday, October 3, 2013

Sunday, October 6: Amos, Prophet to Israel

Amos 1 - 9

Thank you for continuing this journey of The Gospel Project® for Kids. Over the next four weeks, we will focus on the Bible accounts of four prophets whose messages to God’s people foreshadowed Jesus Christ. In Sunday’s account, we learn of Amos, a regular, hard-working man who raised sheep in the southern kingdom of Judah. God called Amos to prophesy to the people of Israel.

On the outside, the northern kingdom of Israel looked good. They were prospering economically, their borders were expanding and sure, King Jeroboam was an evil and ungodly man, but he could have been worse. But God was not pleased with His people. Their hearts were far from Him. They ignored God’s laws, worshiped idols, and mistreated the poor. They were greedy, hypocritical, and prideful. So God called Amos to tell Israel that God was going to judge them for their sin.

Taking God’s message to the people of Israel was no easy task. When Amos told Israel through three sermons that God’s judgment would also fall on them, they told him to go away. The Israelites’ refusal to turn back to God brought an end to their time of prosperity and eventually led to their exile.

God is Loving and Gracious, but He is also Holy and Just. God wanted His people to turn back to Him, but they refused, and the people of Israel were punished for their sin. God sent Jesus to take the punishment for our sin. God accepts anyone who trusts in Jesus as Lord and Savior.

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